Package 'openairmaps'

Title: Create Maps of Air Pollution Data
Description: Combine the air quality data analysis methods of 'openair' with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' (<>) library. Functionality includes plotting site maps, "directional analysis" figures such as polar plots, and air mass trajectories.
Authors: Jack Davison [cre, aut] , David Carslaw [aut]
Maintainer: Jack Davison <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-01-13 10:24:17 UTC

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Add polar markers to leaflet map


This function is similar (but not identical to) the leaflet::addMarkers() and leaflet::addCircleMarkers() functions in leaflet, which allows users to add openair directional analysis plots to any leaflet map and have more control over groups and layerIds than in "all-in-one" functions like polarMap().


  fun = openair::polarPlot,
  lng = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  layerId = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  popupOptions = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  labelOptions = NULL,
  options = leaflet::markerOptions(),
  clusterOptions = NULL,
  clusterId = NULL,
  key = FALSE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  data = leaflet::getMapData(map),

  before = leaflet::getMapData(map),
  after = leaflet::getMapData(map),
  lng = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  layerId = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  popupOptions = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  labelOptions = NULL,
  options = leaflet::markerOptions(),
  clusterOptions = NULL,
  clusterId = NULL,
  key = FALSE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,



a map widget object created from leaflet()


The name of the pollutant to be plot. Note that, if fun = openair::windRose, you must set pollutant = "ws".


An openair directional analysis plotting function. Supported functions include openair::polarPlot() (the default), openair::polarAnnulus(), openair::polarFreq(), openair::percentileRose(), openair::pollutionRose() and openair::windRose(). For openair::polarDiff(), use addPolarDiffMarkers().


The decimal longitude.


The decimal latitude.


the layer id


the name of the group the newly created layers should belong to (for clearGroup and addLayersControl purposes). Human-friendly group names are permitted–they need not be short, identifier-style names. Any number of layers and even different types of layers (e.g. markers and polygons) can share the same group name.


A column of data to be used as a popup.


A Vector of popupOptions to provide popups


A column of data to be used as a label.


A Vector of labelOptions to provide label options for each label. Default NULL


a list of extra options for tile layers, popups, paths (circles, rectangles, polygons, ...), or other map elements


if not NULL, markers will be clustered using Leaflet.markercluster; you can use markerClusterOptions() to specify marker cluster options


the id for the marker cluster layer


Should a key for each marker be drawn? Default is FALSE.


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels. This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using openair in inches. This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot your choice of openair directional analysis plot, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude. By default, it is the data object provided to leaflet::leaflet() initially, but can be overridden.


Other arguments for the plotting function (e.g. period for openair::polarAnnulus()).

before, after

A data frame that represents the before/after case. See openair::polarPlot() for details of different input requirements. By default, both before and after are the data object provided to leaflet::leaflet() initially, but at least one should be overridden.


A leaflet object.


See Also

shiny::runExample(package = "openairmaps") to see examples of this function used in a shiny::shinyApp()


## Not run: 

# different types of polar plot on one map
leaflet(data = polar_data) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    fun = openair::windRose,
    group = "Wind Rose"
  ) %>%
    fun = openair::polarPlot,
    group = "Polar Plot"
  ) %>%
    baseGroups = c("Wind Rose", "Polar Plot")

# use of polar diff (NB: both 'before' and 'after' inherit from `leaflet()`,
# so at least one should be overridden - in this case 'after')
leaflet(data = polar_data) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    after = dplyr::mutate(polar_data, nox = jitter(nox, 5))

## End(Not run)

Add trajectory paths to leaflet map


This function is similar (but not identical to) the leaflet::addMarkers() function in leaflet, which allows users to add trajectory paths to any leaflet map and have more control over groups and layerIds than in "all-in-one" functions like trajMap().


  lng = "lon",
  lat = "lat",
  layerId = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
  npoints = 12,



a map widget object created from leaflet::leaflet().


The decimal longitude.


The decimal latitude.


The base string for the layer id. The actual layer IDs will be in the format "layerId-linenum" for lines and "layerId_linenum-pointnum" for points. For example, the first point of the first trajectory path will be "layerId-1-1".


the name of the group the newly created layers should belong to (for leaflet::clearGroup() and leaflet::addLayersControl() purposes). Human-friendly group names are permitted–they need not be short, identifier-style names. Any number of layers and even different types of layers (e.g. markers and polygons) can share the same group name.


Data frame, the result of importing a trajectory file using openair::importTraj(). By default, it is the data object provided to leaflet::leaflet() initially, but can be overridden.


A dot is placed every npoints along each full trajectory. For hourly back trajectories points are plotted every npoints hours. This helps to understand where the air masses were at particular times and get a feel for the speed of the air (points closer together correspond to slower moving air masses). Defaults to 12.


Other arguments to pass to both leaflet::addCircleMarkers() and leaflet::addPolylines(). If you use the color argument, it is important to ensure the vector you supply is of length one to avoid issues with leaflet::addPolylines() (i.e., use color = ~ pal(nox)[1]). Note that opacity controls the opacity of the lines and fillOpacity the opacity of the markers.


addTrajPaths() can be a powerful way of quickly plotting trajectories on a leaflet map, but users should take some care due to any additional arguments being passed to both leaflet::addCircleMarkers() and leaflet::addPolylines(). In particular, users should be weary of the use of the color argument. Specifically, if color is passed a vector of length greater than one, multiple polylines will be drawn on top of one another. At best this will affect opacity, but at worst this will significantly impact the performance of R and the final leaflet map.

To mitigate this, please ensure that any vector passed to color is of length one. This is simple if you want the whole path to be the same colour, but more difficult if you want to colour by a pollutant, for example. The easiest way to achieve this is to write a for loop or use another iterative approach (e.g. the purrr package) to add one path per arrival date. An example of this is provided in the Examples.


A leaflet object.

See Also

shiny::runExample(package = "openairmaps") to see examples of this function used in a shiny::shinyApp()


## Not run: 

pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "viridis", domain = traj_data$nox)

map <- leaflet() %>%

for (i in seq(length(unique(traj_data$date)))) {
  data <- dplyr::filter(traj_data, date == unique(traj_data$date)[i])

  map <- map %>%
      data = data,
      color = pal(data$nox)[1]


## End(Not run)

Polar annulus plots on dynamic and static maps


The annulusMap() function creates a map using polar annulus plots as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  period = "hour",
  limits = "free",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


Temporal period for radial axis.

default: "hour" | scope: dynamic & static

Options are "hour" (the default, to plot diurnal variations), "season" to plot variation throughout the year, "weekday" to plot day of the week variation and "trend" to plot the trend by wind direction.


Specifier for the plot colour scale bounds.

default: "free" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" which ensures all of the markers use the same colour scale.

  • "free" (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different colour scales.

  • A numeric vector in the form c(lower, upper) used to define the colour scale. For example, limits = c(0, 100) would force the plot limits to span 0-100.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::polarAnnulus


Two plot resolutions can be set: “normal” and “fine” (the default).

Should the results be calculated in local time that includes a treatment of daylight savings time (DST)? The default is not to consider DST issues, provided the data were imported without a DST offset. Emissions activity tends to occur at local time e.g. rush hour is at 8 am every day. When the clocks go forward in spring, the emissions are effectively released into the atmosphere typically 1 hour earlier during the summertime i.e. when DST applies. When plotting diurnal profiles, this has the effect of “smearing-out” the concentrations. Sometimes, a useful approach is to express time as local time. This correction tends to produce better-defined diurnal profiles of concentration (or other variables) and allows a better comparison to be made with emissions/activity data. If set to FALSE then GMT is used. Examples of usage include = "Europe/London", = "America/New_York". See cutData and import for more details.


The statistic that should be applied to each wind speed/direction bin. Can be “mean” (default), “median”, “max” (maximum), “frequency”. “stdev” (standard deviation), “weighted.mean” or “cpf” (Conditional Probability Function). Because of the smoothing involved, the colour scale for some of these statistics is only to provide an indication of overall pattern and should not be interpreted in concentration units e.g. for statistic = "weighted.mean" where the bin mean is multiplied by the bin frequency and divided by the total frequency. In many cases using polarFreq will be better. Setting statistic = "weighted.mean" can be useful because it provides an indication of the concentration * frequency of occurrence and will highlight the wind speed/direction conditions that dominate the overall mean.


If statistic = "percentile" or statistic = "cpf" then percentile is used, expressed from 0 to 100. Note that the percentile value is calculated in the wind speed, wind direction ‘bins’. For this reason it can also be useful to set min.bin to ensure there are a sufficient number of points available to estimate a percentile. See quantile for more details of how percentiles are calculated.


The width of the annulus; can be “normal” (the default), “thin” or “fat”.


The minimum number of points allowed in a wind speed/wind direction bin. The default is 1. A value of two requires at least 2 valid records in each bin an so on; bins with less than 2 valid records are set to NA. Care should be taken when using a value > 1 because of the risk of removing real data points. It is recommended to consider your data with care. Also, the polarFreq function can be of use in such circumstances.


Setting this option to TRUE (the default) removes points from the plot that are too far from the original data. The smoothing routines will produce predictions at points where no data exist i.e. they predict. By removing the points too far from the original data produces a plot where it is clear where the original data lie. If set to FALSE missing data will be interpolated.


For type = "trend" (default), date.pad = TRUE will pad-out missing data to the beginning of the first year and the end of the last year. The purpose is to ensure that the trend plot begins and ends at the beginning or end of year.


The default is TRUE. Sometimes if smoothing data with steep gradients it is possible for predicted values to be negative. force.positive = TRUE ensures that predictions remain positive. This is useful for several reasons. First, with lots of missing data more interpolation is needed and this can result in artefacts because the predictions are too far from the original data. Second, if it is known beforehand that the data are all positive, then this option carries that assumption through to the prediction. The only likely time where setting force.positive = FALSE would be if background concentrations were first subtracted resulting in data that is legitimately negative. For the vast majority of situations it is expected that the user will not need to alter the default option.


The smoothing value supplied to gam for the temporal and wind direction components, respectively. In some cases e.g. a trend plot with less than 1-year of data the smoothing with the default values may become too noisy and affected more by outliers. Choosing a lower value of k (say 10) may help produce a better plot.


If TRUE concentrations are normalised by dividing by their mean value. This is done after fitting the smooth surface. This option is particularly useful if one is interested in the patterns of concentrations for several pollutants on different scales e.g. NOx and CO. Often useful if more than one pollutant is chosen.


Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example, passing the options key.header = "header", key.footer = "footer1" adds addition text above and below the scale key. These arguments are passed to drawOpenKey via quickText, applying the auto.text argument, to handle formatting.


see key.footer.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include "top", "right", "bottom" and "left".


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly e.g. by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: diffMap(), freqMap(), percentileMap(), polarMap(), pollroseMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
  pollutant = "nox",
  period = "hour",
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)

Build a Complex Popup for a Leaflet Map


Group a dataframe together by latitude/longitude columns and create a HTML popup with user-defined columns. By default, the unique values of character columns are collapsed into comma-separated lists, numeric columns are averaged, and date columns are presented as a range. This function returns the input dataframe appended with a "popup" column, which can then be used in the popup argument of a function like polarMap().


  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  fun.character = function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = ", "),
  fun.numeric = function(x) signif(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3),
  fun.dttm = function(x) paste(lubridate::floor_date(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), "day"),
    collapse = " to "),



Input data table with geo-spatial information.


A data frame containing latitude and longitude information that will go on to be used in a function such as polarMap().


A character vector of column names to include in the popup.


Summaries of the selected columns will appear in the popup. If a named vector is provided, the names of the vector will be used in place of the raw column names. See the Examples for more information.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


A column to be passed to the type argument of another function.

default: NULL

Column which will be used for the type argument of other mapping functions. This only needs to be used if type is going to be used in polarMap() or another similar function, and you'd expect different values for the different map layers (for example, if you are calculating a mean pollutant concentration).


A function to summarise character and factor columns.

default: function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = ", ")

The default collapses unique values into a comma-separated list.


A function to summarise numeric columns.

default: function(x) signif(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3)

The default takes the mean to three significant figures. Other numeric summaries may be of interest, such as the maximum, minimum, standard deviation, and so on.


A function to summarise date columns.

default: function(x) paste(lubridate::floor_date(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), "day"), collapse = " to ")

The default presents the date as a range. Other statistics of interest could be the start or end of the dates.


Not currently used.


a tibble


## Not run: 
  data = polar_data,
  columns = c(
    "Site" = "site",
    "Site Type" = "site_type",
    "Date Range" = "date"
) %>%
  polarMap("nox", popup = "popup")

## End(Not run)

Convert a UK postcode to a latitude/longitude pair


This is a much simpler implementation of the tools found in the PostcodesioR R package, intended for use with the searchNetwork() function.





A valid UK postcode.


A string containing a single valid UK postcode, e.g., "SW1A 1AA".


A list containing the latitude, longitude, and input postcode.


See Also

The PostcodesioR package at


# convert a UK postcode

## Not run: 
# use with `searchNetwork()`
palace <- convertPostcode("SW1A1AA")
searchNetwork(lat = palace$lat, lng = palace$lng, max_dist = 10)

## End(Not run)

Bivariate polar 'difference' plots on dynamic and static maps


The diffMap() function creates a map using bivariate polar plots as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  x = "ws",
  limits = "free",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = rev(openair::openColours("RdBu", 10)),
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



A data frame that represents the "before" case. See polarPlot() for details of different input requirements.


A data frame that represents the "after" case. See polarPlot() for details of different input requirements.


Mandatory. A pollutant name corresponding to a variable in a data frame should be supplied e.g. pollutant = "nox". There can also be more than one pollutant specified e.g. pollutant = c("nox", "no2"). The main use of using two or more pollutants is for model evaluation where two species would be expected to have similar concentrations. This saves the user stacking the data and it is possible to work with columns of data directly. A typical use would be pollutant = c("obs", "mod") to compare two columns “obs” (the observations) and “mod” (modelled values). When pair-wise statistics such as Pearson correlation and regression techniques are to be plotted, pollutant takes two elements too. For example, pollutant = c("bc", "pm25") where "bc" is a function of "pm25".


Name of variable to plot against wind direction in polar coordinates, the default is wind speed, “ws”.


Limits for the plot colour scale.

default: "free" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "free" (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different colour scales.

  • A numeric vector in the form c(lower, upper) used to define the colour scale. For example, limits = c(-10, 10) would force the plot limits to span -10 to 10. It is recommended to use a symmetrical limit scale (along with a "diverging" colour palette) for effective visualisation.

Note that the "fixed" option is not supported in diffMap().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: rev(openair::openColours("RdBu", 10)) | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). It is recommended to use a "diverging" colour palette (along with a symmetrical limit scale) for effective visualisation.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::polarPlot


Name of wind direction field.


The statistic that should be applied to each wind speed/direction bin. Because of the smoothing involved, the colour scale for some of these statistics is only to provide an indication of overall pattern and should not be interpreted in concentration units e.g. for statistic = "weighted.mean" where the bin mean is multiplied by the bin frequency and divided by the total frequency. In many cases using polarFreq will be better. Setting statistic = "weighted.mean" can be useful because it provides an indication of the concentration * frequency of occurrence and will highlight the wind speed/direction conditions that dominate the overall mean.Can be:

  • “mean” (default), “median”, “max” (maximum), “frequency”. “stdev” (standard deviation), “weighted.mean”.

  • statistic = "nwr" Implements the Non-parametric Wind Regression approach of Henry et al. (2009) that uses kernel smoothers. The openair implementation is not identical because Gaussian kernels are used for both wind direction and speed. The smoothing is controlled by ws_spread and wd_spread.

  • statistic = "cpf" the conditional probability function (CPF) is plotted and a single (usually high) percentile level is supplied. The CPF is defined as CPF = my/ny, where my is the number of samples in the y bin (by default a wind direction, wind speed interval) with mixing ratios greater than the overall percentile concentration, and ny is the total number of samples in the same wind sector (see Ashbaugh et al., 1985). Note that percentile intervals can also be considered; see percentile for details.

  • When statistic = "r" or statistic = "Pearson", the Pearson correlation coefficient is calculated for two pollutants. The calculation involves a weighted Pearson correlation coefficient, which is weighted by Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable (by default wind speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind speed-direction interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data are used rather than relying on the potentially small number of values in a wind speed-direction interval.

  • When statistic = "Spearman", the Spearman correlation coefficient is calculated for two pollutants. The calculation involves a weighted Spearman correlation coefficient, which is weighted by Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable (by default wind speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind speed-direction interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data are used rather than relying on the potentially small number of values in a wind speed-direction interval.

  • "robust_slope" is another option for pair-wise statistics and "quantile.slope", which uses quantile regression to estimate the slope for a particular quantile level (see also tau for setting the quantile level).

  • "york_slope" is another option for pair-wise statistics which uses the York regression method to estimate the slope. In this method the uncertainties in x and y are used in the determination of the slope. The uncertainties are provided by x_error and y_error — see below.


Setting this option to TRUE (the default) removes points from the plot that are too far from the original data. The smoothing routines will produce predictions at points where no data exist i.e. they predict. By removing the points too far from the original data produces a plot where it is clear where the original data lie. If set to FALSE missing data will be interpolated.


Should the uncertainty in the calculated surface be shown? If TRUE three plots are produced on the same scale showing the predicted surface together with the estimated lower and upper uncertainties at the 95% confidence interval. Calculating the uncertainties is useful to understand whether features are real or not. For example, at high wind speeds where there are few data there is greater uncertainty over the predicted values. The uncertainties are calculated using the GAM and weighting is done by the frequency of measurements in each wind speed-direction bin. Note that if uncertainties are calculated then the type is set to "default".


If statistic = "percentile" then percentile is used, expressed from 0 to 100. Note that the percentile value is calculated in the wind speed, wind direction ‘bins’. For this reason it can also be useful to set min.bin to ensure there are a sufficient number of points available to estimate a percentile. See quantile for more details of how percentiles are calculated.

percentile is also used for the Conditional Probability Function (CPF) plots. percentile can be of length two, in which case the percentile interval is considered for use with CPF. For example, percentile = c(90, 100) will plot the CPF for concentrations between the 90 and 100th percentiles. Percentile intervals can be useful for identifying specific sources. In addition, percentile can also be of length 3. The third value is the ‘trim’ value to be applied. When calculating percentile intervals many can cover very low values where there is no useful information. The trim value ensures that values greater than or equal to the trim * mean value are considered before the percentile intervals are calculated. The effect is to extract more detail from many source signatures. See the manual for examples. Finally, if the trim value is less than zero the percentile range is interpreted as absolute concentration values and subsetting is carried out directly.


At the edges of the plot there may only be a few data points in each wind speed-direction interval, which could in some situations distort the plot if the concentrations are high. weights applies a weighting to reduce their influence. For example and by default if only a single data point exists then the weighting factor is 0.25 and for two points 0.5. To not apply any weighting and use the data as is, use weights = c(1, 1, 1).

An alternative to down-weighting these points they can be removed altogether using min.bin.


The minimum number of points allowed in a wind speed/wind direction bin. The default is 1. A value of two requires at least 2 valid records in each bin an so on; bins with less than 2 valid records are set to NA. Care should be taken when using a value > 1 because of the risk of removing real data points. It is recommended to consider your data with care. Also, the polarFreq function can be of use in such circumstances.


When min.bin is > 1 it can be useful to show where data are removed on the plots. This is done by shading the missing data in mis.col. To not highlight missing data when min.bin > 1 choose mis.col = "transparent".


This sets the upper limit wind speed to be used. Often there are only a relatively few data points at very high wind speeds and plotting all of them can reduce the useful information in the plot.


The default is TRUE. Sometimes if smoothing data with steep gradients it is possible for predicted values to be negative. force.positive = TRUE ensures that predictions remain positive. This is useful for several reasons. First, with lots of missing data more interpolation is needed and this can result in artefacts because the predictions are too far from the original data. Second, if it is known beforehand that the data are all positive, then this option carries that assumption through to the prediction. The only likely time where setting force.positive = FALSE would be if background concentrations were first subtracted resulting in data that is legitimately negative. For the vast majority of situations it is expected that the user will not need to alter the default option.


This is the smoothing parameter used by the gam function in package mgcv. Typically, value of around 100 (the default) seems to be suitable and will resolve important features in the plot. The most appropriate choice of k is problem-dependent; but extensive testing of polar plots for many different problems suggests a value of k of about 100 is suitable. Setting k to higher values will not tend to affect the surface predictions by much but will add to the computation time. Lower values of k will increase smoothing. Sometimes with few data to plot polarPlot will fail. Under these circumstances it can be worth lowering the value of k.


If TRUE concentrations are normalised by dividing by their mean value. This is done after fitting the smooth surface. This option is particularly useful if one is interested in the patterns of concentrations for several pollutants on different scales e.g. NOx and CO. Often useful if more than one pollutant is chosen.


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly e.g. by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of wind speed when statistic = "nwr" or when correlation and regression statistics are used such as r. Default is 0.5.


The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of wind direction when statistic = "nwr" or when correlation and regression statistics are used such as r. Default is 4.


The x error / uncertainty used when statistic = "york_slope".


The y error / uncertainty used when statistic = "york_slope".


Type of kernel used for the weighting procedure for when correlation or regression techniques are used. Only "gaussian" is supported but this may be enhanced in the future.


When pair-wise statistics such as regression slopes are calculated and plotted, should a formula label be displayed? formula.label will also determine whether concentration information is printed when statistic = "cpf".


The quantile to be estimated when statistic is set to "quantile.slope". Default is 0.5 which is equal to the median and will be ignored if "quantile.slope" is not used.


Should a plot be produced? FALSE can be useful when analysing data to extract plot components and plotting them in other ways.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), freqMap(), percentileMap(), polarMap(), pollroseMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
# NB: "after" is some dummy data to demonstrate functionality
  before = polar_data,
  after = dplyr::mutate(polar_data, nox = jitter(nox, factor = 5)),
  pollutant = "nox"

## End(Not run)

Polar frequency plots on dynamic and static maps


The freqMap() function creates a map using polar frequency plots as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  statistic = "mean",
  breaks = "free",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


The statistic that should be applied to each wind speed/direction bin.

default: "mean" | scope: dynamic & static

Can be "frequency", "mean", "median", "max" (maximum), "stdev" (standard deviation) or "weighted.mean". The option "frequency" is the simplest and plots the frequency of wind speed/direction in different bins. The scale therefore shows the counts in each bin. The option "mean" (the default) will plot the mean concentration of a pollutant (see next point) in wind speed/direction bins, and so on. Finally, "weighted.mean" will plot the concentration of a pollutant weighted by wind speed/direction. Each segment therefore provides the percentage overall contribution to the total concentration. Note that for options other than "frequency", it is necessary to also provide the name of a pollutant. See function openair::cutData() for further details.


Specifier for the breaks of the plot colour scale.

default: "free" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" which ensures all of the markers use the same colour scale.

  • "free" (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different colour scales.

  • A numeric vector defining a sequence of numbers to use as the breaks. The sequence could represent one with equal spacing, e.g., breaks = seq(0, 100, 10) - a scale from 0-10 in intervals of 10, or a more flexible sequence, e.g., breaks = c(0, 1, 5, 7, 10), which may be useful for some situations.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::polarFreq

Wind speed interval assumed. In some cases e.g. a low met mast, an interval of 0.5 may be more appropriate.


Number of intervals of wind direction.


Radial spacing of grid lines.


Should a transformation be applied? Sometimes when producing plots of this kind they can be dominated by a few high points. The default therefore is TRUE and a square-root transform is applied. This results in a non-linear scale and (usually) a better representation of the distribution. If set to FALSE a linear scale is used.


The minimum number of points allowed in a wind speed/wind direction bin. The default is 1. A value of two requires at least 2 valid records in each bin an so on; bins with less than 2 valid records are set to NA. Care should be taken when using a value > 1 because of the risk of removing real data points. It is recommended to consider your data with care. Also, the polarFreq function can be of use in such circumstances.


A user-defined upper wind speed to use. This is useful for ensuring a consistent scale between different plots. For example, to always ensure that wind speeds are displayed between 1-10, set = 10.


offset controls the size of the ‘hole’ in the middle and is expressed as a percentage of the maximum wind speed. Setting a higher offset e.g. 50 is useful for statistic = "weighted.mean" when is greater than the maximum wind speed. See example below.


The colour of the boundary of each wind speed/direction bin. The default is transparent. Another useful choice sometimes is "white".


Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example, passing the options key.header = "header", key.footer = "footer1" adds addition text above and below the scale key. These arguments are passed to drawOpenKey via quickText, applying the auto.text argument, to handle formatting.


see key.footer.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include "top", "right", "bottom" and "left".


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly e.g. by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), diffMap(), percentileMap(), polarMap(), pollroseMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
  pollutant = "nox",
  statistic = "mean",
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)

Create a leaflet map of air quality measurement network sites


This function uses openair::importMeta() to obtain metadata for measurement sites and uses it to create an attractive leaflet map. By default a map will be created in which readers may toggle between a vector base map and a satellite/aerial image, although users can further customise the control menu using the provider and control parameters.


  source = "aurn",
  control = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  cluster = TRUE,
  provider = c(Default = "OpenStreetMap", Satellite = "Esri.WorldImagery"),
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = "topright",
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright"



One or more UK or European monitoring networks.

default: "aurn"

One or more air quality networks for which data is available through openair. Available networks include:

  • "aurn", The UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network.

  • "aqe", The Air Quality England Network.

  • "saqn", The Scottish Air Quality Network.

  • "waqn", The Welsh Air Quality Network.

  • "ni", The Northern Ireland Air Quality Network.

  • "local", Locally managed air quality networks in England.

  • "kcl", King's College London networks.

  • "europe", European AirBase/e-reporting data.

There are two additional options provided for convenience:

  • "ukaq" will return metadata for all networks for which data is imported by importUKAQ() (i.e., AURN, AQE, SAQN, WAQN, NI, and the local networks).

  • "all" will import all available metadata (i.e., "ukaq" plus "kcl" and "europe").


Option to create a 'layer control' menu.

default: NULL

A string to specify categories in a "layer control" menu, to allow readers to select between different site categories. Choices include:

  • "variable" to toggle between different pollutants

  • "site_type" for different site classifications

  • "agglomeration", "zone" or "local_authority" for different regions of the UK

  • "network" for different monitoring networks, if more than one source is provided.


A year, or range of years, with which to filter data.

default: NULL

By default, networkMap() visualises sites which are currently operational. year allows users to show sites open in a specific year, or over a range of years. See openair::importMeta() for more information.


Cluster markers together when zoomed out?

default: TRUE

When cluster = TRUE, markers are clustered together. This may be useful for sources like "kcl" where there are many markers very close together. Defaults to TRUE, and is forced to be TRUE when source = "europe" due to the large number of sites.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery")

Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE

When multiple sources are defined, should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the legend

default: "topright"

Where should the shared legend be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE

Should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright"

Where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


When selecting multiple data sources using source, please be mindful that there can be overlap between the different networks. For example, an air quality site in Scotland may be part of the AURN and the SAQN. networkMap() will only show one marker for such sites, and uses the order in which source arguments are provided as the hierarchy by which to assign sites to networks. The aforementioned AURN & SAQN site will therefore have its SAQN code displayed if source = c("saqn", "aurn"), and its AURN code displayed if source = c("aurn", "saqn").

This hierarchy is also reflected when control = "network" is used. As leaflet markers cannot be part of multiple groups, the AURN & SAQN site will be part of the "SAQN" layer control group when source = c("saqn", "aurn") and the "AURN" layer control group when source = c("aurn", "saqn").


A leaflet object.

See Also

Other uk air quality network mapping functions: searchNetwork()


## Not run: 
# view one network, grouped by site type
networkMap(source = "aurn", control = "site_type")

# view multiple networks, grouped by network
networkMap(source = c("aurn", "waqn", "saqn"), control = "network")

## End(Not run)

Percentile roses on dynamic and static maps


The percentileMap() function creates a map using polar percentile roses as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  percentile = c(25, 50, 75, 90, 95),
  intervals = "fixed",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


The percentile values for the colour scale bin.

default: c(25, 50, 75, 90, 95) | scope: dynamic & static

The percentile value(s) to plot using openair::percentileRose(). Must be a vector of values between 0 and 100. If percentile = NA then only a mean line will be shown.


Specifier for the percentile rose radial axis intervals.

default: "fixed" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" (the default) which ensures all of the markers use the same radial axis scale.

  • "free" which allows all of the markers to use different radial axis scales.

  • A numeric vector defining a sequence of numbers to use as the intervals, e.g., intervals = c(0, 10, 30, 50).

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::percentileRose


Name of wind direction field.


Should the wind direction data be smoothed using a cyclic spline?


When method = "default" the supplied percentiles by wind direction are calculated. When method = "cpf" the conditional probability function (CPF) is plotted and a single (usually high) percentile level is supplied. The CPF is defined as CPF = my/ny, where my is the number of samples in the wind sector y with mixing ratios greater than the overall percentile concentration, and ny is the total number of samples in the same wind sector (see Ashbaugh et al., 1985).


Default angle of “spokes” is when smooth = FALSE.


Show the mean by wind direction as a line?


Line type for mean line.


Line width for mean line.


Line colour for mean line.


Should the percentile intervals be filled (default) or should lines be drawn (fill = FALSE).


Sometimes the placement of the scale may interfere with an interesting feature. The user can therefore set angle.scale to any value between 0 and 360 degrees to mitigate such problems. For example angle.scale = 45 will draw the scale heading in a NE direction.


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly e.g. by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example, passing the options key.header = "header", key.footer = "footer1" adds addition text above and below the scale key. These arguments are passed to drawOpenKey via quickText, applying the auto.text argument, to handle formatting.


see key.footer.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include "top", "right", "bottom" and "left".


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), diffMap(), freqMap(), polarMap(), pollroseMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
  pollutant = "nox",
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)

Example data for polar mapping functions


The polar_data dataset is provided as an example dataset as part of the openairmaps package. The dataset contains hourly measurements of air pollutant concentrations, location and meteorological data.


Data frame with example data from four sites in London in 2009.


The date and time of the measurement

nox, no2, pm2.5, pm10

Pollutant concentrations


The site name. Useful for use with the popup and label arguments in openairmaps functions.

latitude, longitude

Decimal latitude and longitude of the sites.


Site type of the site (either "Urban Traffic" or "Urban Background").


Wind direction, in degrees from North, as a numeric vector.


Wind speed, in m/s, as numeric vector.


The visibility in metres.


Air temperature in degrees Celcius.


polar_data is supplied with the openairmaps package as an example dataset for use with documented examples.


polar_data was compiled from data using the openair::importAURN() function from the openair package with meteorological data from the worldmet package.


# basic structure

Bivariate polar plots on dynamic and static maps


The polarMap() function creates a map using bivariate polar plots as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  x = "ws",
  limits = "free",
  upper = "fixed",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


The radial axis variable.

default: "ws" | scope: dynamic & static

The column name for the radial axis variable to use in openair::polarPlot(). Defaults to using wind speed, "ws", but other meteorological variables such as ambient temperature or atmospheric stability may be useful.


Specifier for the plot colour scale bounds.

default: "free" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" which ensures all of the markers use the same colour scale.

  • "free" (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different colour scales.

  • A numeric vector in the form c(lower, upper) used to define the colour scale. For example, limits = c(0, 100) would force the plot limits to span 0-100.


Specifier for the polar plot radial axis upper boundary.

default: "fixed" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" (the default) which ensures all of the markers use the same radial axis scale.

  • "free" which allows all of the markers to use different radial axis scales.

  • A numeric value, used as the upper limit for the radial axis scale.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::polarPlot


Name of wind direction field.


The statistic that should be applied to each wind speed/direction bin. Because of the smoothing involved, the colour scale for some of these statistics is only to provide an indication of overall pattern and should not be interpreted in concentration units e.g. for statistic = "weighted.mean" where the bin mean is multiplied by the bin frequency and divided by the total frequency. In many cases using polarFreq will be better. Setting statistic = "weighted.mean" can be useful because it provides an indication of the concentration * frequency of occurrence and will highlight the wind speed/direction conditions that dominate the overall mean.Can be:

  • “mean” (default), “median”, “max” (maximum), “frequency”. “stdev” (standard deviation), “weighted.mean”.

  • statistic = "nwr" Implements the Non-parametric Wind Regression approach of Henry et al. (2009) that uses kernel smoothers. The openair implementation is not identical because Gaussian kernels are used for both wind direction and speed. The smoothing is controlled by ws_spread and wd_spread.

  • statistic = "cpf" the conditional probability function (CPF) is plotted and a single (usually high) percentile level is supplied. The CPF is defined as CPF = my/ny, where my is the number of samples in the y bin (by default a wind direction, wind speed interval) with mixing ratios greater than the overall percentile concentration, and ny is the total number of samples in the same wind sector (see Ashbaugh et al., 1985). Note that percentile intervals can also be considered; see percentile for details.

  • When statistic = "r" or statistic = "Pearson", the Pearson correlation coefficient is calculated for two pollutants. The calculation involves a weighted Pearson correlation coefficient, which is weighted by Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable (by default wind speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind speed-direction interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data are used rather than relying on the potentially small number of values in a wind speed-direction interval.

  • When statistic = "Spearman", the Spearman correlation coefficient is calculated for two pollutants. The calculation involves a weighted Spearman correlation coefficient, which is weighted by Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable (by default wind speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind speed-direction interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data are used rather than relying on the potentially small number of values in a wind speed-direction interval.

  • "robust_slope" is another option for pair-wise statistics and "quantile.slope", which uses quantile regression to estimate the slope for a particular quantile level (see also tau for setting the quantile level).

  • "york_slope" is another option for pair-wise statistics which uses the York regression method to estimate the slope. In this method the uncertainties in x and y are used in the determination of the slope. The uncertainties are provided by x_error and y_error — see below.


Setting this option to TRUE (the default) removes points from the plot that are too far from the original data. The smoothing routines will produce predictions at points where no data exist i.e. they predict. By removing the points too far from the original data produces a plot where it is clear where the original data lie. If set to FALSE missing data will be interpolated.


Should the uncertainty in the calculated surface be shown? If TRUE three plots are produced on the same scale showing the predicted surface together with the estimated lower and upper uncertainties at the 95% confidence interval. Calculating the uncertainties is useful to understand whether features are real or not. For example, at high wind speeds where there are few data there is greater uncertainty over the predicted values. The uncertainties are calculated using the GAM and weighting is done by the frequency of measurements in each wind speed-direction bin. Note that if uncertainties are calculated then the type is set to "default".


If statistic = "percentile" then percentile is used, expressed from 0 to 100. Note that the percentile value is calculated in the wind speed, wind direction ‘bins’. For this reason it can also be useful to set min.bin to ensure there are a sufficient number of points available to estimate a percentile. See quantile for more details of how percentiles are calculated.

percentile is also used for the Conditional Probability Function (CPF) plots. percentile can be of length two, in which case the percentile interval is considered for use with CPF. For example, percentile = c(90, 100) will plot the CPF for concentrations between the 90 and 100th percentiles. Percentile intervals can be useful for identifying specific sources. In addition, percentile can also be of length 3. The third value is the ‘trim’ value to be applied. When calculating percentile intervals many can cover very low values where there is no useful information. The trim value ensures that values greater than or equal to the trim * mean value are considered before the percentile intervals are calculated. The effect is to extract more detail from many source signatures. See the manual for examples. Finally, if the trim value is less than zero the percentile range is interpreted as absolute concentration values and subsetting is carried out directly.


At the edges of the plot there may only be a few data points in each wind speed-direction interval, which could in some situations distort the plot if the concentrations are high. weights applies a weighting to reduce their influence. For example and by default if only a single data point exists then the weighting factor is 0.25 and for two points 0.5. To not apply any weighting and use the data as is, use weights = c(1, 1, 1).

An alternative to down-weighting these points they can be removed altogether using min.bin.


The minimum number of points allowed in a wind speed/wind direction bin. The default is 1. A value of two requires at least 2 valid records in each bin an so on; bins with less than 2 valid records are set to NA. Care should be taken when using a value > 1 because of the risk of removing real data points. It is recommended to consider your data with care. Also, the polarFreq function can be of use in such circumstances.


When min.bin is > 1 it can be useful to show where data are removed on the plots. This is done by shading the missing data in mis.col. To not highlight missing data when min.bin > 1 choose mis.col = "transparent".


Sometimes the placement of the scale may interfere with an interesting feature. The user can therefore set angle.scale to any value between 0 and 360 degrees to mitigate such problems. For example angle.scale = 45 will draw the scale heading in a NE direction.


The units shown on the polar axis scale.


The default is TRUE. Sometimes if smoothing data with steep gradients it is possible for predicted values to be negative. force.positive = TRUE ensures that predictions remain positive. This is useful for several reasons. First, with lots of missing data more interpolation is needed and this can result in artefacts because the predictions are too far from the original data. Second, if it is known beforehand that the data are all positive, then this option carries that assumption through to the prediction. The only likely time where setting force.positive = FALSE would be if background concentrations were first subtracted resulting in data that is legitimately negative. For the vast majority of situations it is expected that the user will not need to alter the default option.


This is the smoothing parameter used by the gam function in package mgcv. Typically, value of around 100 (the default) seems to be suitable and will resolve important features in the plot. The most appropriate choice of k is problem-dependent; but extensive testing of polar plots for many different problems suggests a value of k of about 100 is suitable. Setting k to higher values will not tend to affect the surface predictions by much but will add to the computation time. Lower values of k will increase smoothing. Sometimes with few data to plot polarPlot will fail. Under these circumstances it can be worth lowering the value of k.


If TRUE concentrations are normalised by dividing by their mean value. This is done after fitting the smooth surface. This option is particularly useful if one is interested in the patterns of concentrations for several pollutants on different scales e.g. NOx and CO. Often useful if more than one pollutant is chosen.


Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example, passing the options key.header = "header", key.footer = "footer1" adds addition text above and below the scale key. These arguments are passed to drawOpenKey via quickText, applying the auto.text argument, to handle formatting.


see key.footer.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include "top", "right", "bottom" and "left".


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly e.g. by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of wind speed when statistic = "nwr" or when correlation and regression statistics are used such as r. Default is 0.5.


The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of wind direction when statistic = "nwr" or when correlation and regression statistics are used such as r. Default is 4.


The x error / uncertainty used when statistic = "york_slope".


The y error / uncertainty used when statistic = "york_slope".


Type of kernel used for the weighting procedure for when correlation or regression techniques are used. Only "gaussian" is supported but this may be enhanced in the future.


When pair-wise statistics such as regression slopes are calculated and plotted, should a formula label be displayed? formula.label will also determine whether concentration information is printed when statistic = "cpf".


The quantile to be estimated when statistic is set to "quantile.slope". Default is 0.5 which is equal to the median and will be ignored if "quantile.slope" is not used.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), diffMap(), freqMap(), percentileMap(), pollroseMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
  pollutant = "nox",
  x = "ws",
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)

Deprecated static directional analysis functions



Static direction analysis mapping functions have been deprecated in favour of combined functions (e.g., polarMap()), which present a more consistent, unified API for users to simply swap between the two output formats.


  pollutant = NULL,
  x = "ws",
  limits = "free",
  upper = "fixed",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  facet = NULL,
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  pollutant = NULL,
  limits = "free",
  x = "ws",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  facet = NULL,
  cols = c("#002F70", "#3167BB", "#879FDB", "#C8D2F1", "#F6F6F6", "#F4C8C8", "#DA8A8B",
    "#AE4647", "#5F1415"),
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  pollutant = NULL,
  period = "hour",
  facet = NULL,
  limits = "free",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  data, = 2,
  breaks = 4,
  facet = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  pollutant = NULL,
  statistic = "prop.count",
  breaks = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  pollutant = NULL,
  percentile = c(25, 50, 75, 90, 95),
  intervals = "fixed",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  facet = NULL,
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,

  pollutant = NULL,
  statistic = "mean",
  breaks = "free",
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  provider = "osm",
  facet = NULL,
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  facet.nrow = NULL,
  d.icon = 150,
  d.fig = 3,



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


The radial axis variable.

default: "ws" | scope: dynamic & static

The column name for the radial axis variable to use in openair::polarPlot(). Defaults to using wind speed, "ws", but other meteorological variables such as ambient temperature or atmospheric stability may be useful.


Specifier for the plot colour scale bounds.

default: "free" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" which ensures all of the markers use the same colour scale.

  • "free" (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different colour scales.

  • A numeric vector in the form c(lower, upper) used to define the colour scale. For example, limits = c(0, 100) would force the plot limits to span 0-100.


Specifier for the polar plot radial axis upper boundary.

default: "fixed" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" (the default) which ensures all of the markers use the same radial axis scale.

  • "free" which allows all of the markers to use different radial axis scales.

  • A numeric value, used as the upper limit for the radial axis scale.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Passed to the type argument of the relevant polarMap() family function.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Passed to the static.nrow argument of the relevant polarMap() family function.


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Passed to the polar plotting function


A data frame that represents the "before" case. See polarPlot() for details of different input requirements.


A data frame that represents the "after" case. See polarPlot() for details of different input requirements.


Temporal period for radial axis.

default: "hour" | scope: dynamic & static

Options are "hour" (the default, to plot diurnal variations), "season" to plot variation throughout the year, "weekday" to plot day of the week variation and "trend" to plot the trend by wind direction.

The wind speed interval of the colour axis.

default: 2 | scope: dynamic & static

The wind speed interval. Default is 2 m/s but for low met masts with low mean wind speeds a value of 1 or 0.5 m/s may be better.


Specifier for the number of breaks of the colour axis.

default: 4 | scope: dynamic & static

Most commonly, the number of break points for wind speed in openair::windRose(). For the default of 2, the default breaks, 4, generates the break points 2, 4, 6, and 8. Breaks can also be used to set specific break points. For example, the argument 'breaks = c(0, 1, 10, 100)“ breaks the data into segments <1, 1-10, 10-100, >100.


The statistic to be applied to each data bin in the plot

default: "prop.mean" | scope: dynamic & static

Options currently include "prop.count", "prop.mean" and "abs.count". "prop.count" sizes bins according to the proportion of the frequency of measurements. Similarly, "prop.mean" sizes bins according to their relative contribution to the mean. "abs.count" provides the absolute count of measurements in each bin.


The percentile values for the colour scale bin.

default: c(25, 50, 75, 90, 95) | scope: dynamic & static

The percentile value(s) to plot using openair::percentileRose(). Must be a vector of values between 0 and 100. If percentile = NA then only a mean line will be shown.


Specifier for the percentile rose radial axis intervals.

default: "fixed" | scope: dynamic & static

One of:

  • "fixed" (the default) which ensures all of the markers use the same radial axis scale.

  • "free" which allows all of the markers to use different radial axis scales.

  • A numeric vector defining a sequence of numbers to use as the intervals, e.g., intervals = c(0, 10, 30, 50).


a ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

See Also


Pollution roses on dynamic and static maps


The pollroseMap() function creates a map using pollution roses as markers. Any number of pollutants can be specified using the pollutant argument, and multiple layers of markers can be created using type. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  pollutant = NULL,
  statistic = "prop.count",
  breaks = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with pollutant, wind, and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws), wind direction (wd), and the column representing the concentration of a pollutant. In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).


Pollutant name(s).

required | scope: dynamic & static

The column name(s) of the pollutant(s) to plot. If multiple pollutants are specified and a non-pairwise statistic is supplied, the type argument will no longer be able to be used and:

  • Dynamic: The pollutants can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The pollutants will each appear in a different panel.

Multiple pollutants prohibit the use of the type argument for non-pairwise statistics.


The statistic to be applied to each data bin in the plot

default: "prop.mean" | scope: dynamic & static

Options currently include "prop.count", "prop.mean" and "abs.count". "prop.count" sizes bins according to the proportion of the frequency of measurements. Similarly, "prop.mean" sizes bins according to their relative contribution to the mean. "abs.count" provides the absolute count of measurements in each bin.


Specifier for the number of breaks of the colour axis.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Most commonly, the number of break points. If not specified, each marker will independently break its supplied data at approximately 6 sensible break points. When breaks are specified, all markers will use the same break points. Breaks can also be used to set specific break points. For example, the argument breaks = c(0, 1, 10, 100) breaks the data into segments <1, 1-10, 10-100, >100.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::pollutionRose


Adds additional text/labels below the scale key. See key.header for further information.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include “top”, “right”, “bottom” and “left”.


Either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE plots rose using 'paddle' style spokes. If FALSE plots rose using 'wedge' style spokes.


When paddle = TRUE, seg determines with width of the segments. For example, seg = 0.5 will produce segments 0.5 * angle.


If TRUE each wind direction segment is normalised to equal one. This is useful for showing how the concentrations (or other parameters) contribute to each wind sector when the proportion of time the wind is from that direction is low. A line showing the probability that the wind directions is from a particular wind sector is also shown.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), diffMap(), freqMap(), percentileMap(), polarMap(), windroseMap()


## Not run: 
  pollutant = "nox",
  statistic = "prop.count",
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)

Automatic text formatting for openairmaps


Workhorse function that automatically applies routine text formatting to common pollutant names which may be used in the HTML widgets produced by openairmaps.





A character vector.


A character vector containing common pollutant names to be formatted. Commonly, this will insert super- and subscript HTML tags, e.g., "NO2" will be replaced with "NO2".


quickTextHTML() is routine formatting lookup table. It screens the supplied character vector text and automatically applies formatting to any recognised character sub-series to properly render in HTML.


a character vector


Jack Davison.

See Also

openair::quickText(), useful for non-HTML/static maps and plots


labs <- c("no2", "o3", "so2")

Geographically search the air quality networks made available by openair::importMeta()


While networkMap() visualises entire UK air quality networks, searchNetwork() can subset specific networks to find air quality sites near to a specific site of interest (for example, the location of known industrial activity, or the centroid of a specific urban area).


  source = "aurn",
  year = NULL,
  site_type = NULL,
  variable = NULL,
  max_dist = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  map = TRUE


lat, lng

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).


Values representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs) of the site of interest.


One or more UK or European monitoring networks.

default: "aurn"

One or more air quality networks for which data is available through openair. Available networks include:

  • "aurn", The UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network.

  • "aqe", The Air Quality England Network.

  • "saqn", The Scottish Air Quality Network.

  • "waqn", The Welsh Air Quality Network.

  • "ni", The Northern Ireland Air Quality Network.

  • "local", Locally managed air quality networks in England.

  • "kcl", King's College London networks.

  • "europe", European AirBase/e-reporting data.

There are two additional options provided for convenience:

  • "ukaq" will return metadata for all networks for which data is imported by importUKAQ() (i.e., AURN, AQE, SAQN, WAQN, NI, and the local networks).

  • "all" will import all available metadata (i.e., "ukaq" plus "kcl" and "europe").


A year, or range of years, with which to filter data.

default: NULL

By default, networkMap() visualises sites which are currently operational. year allows users to show sites open in a specific year, or over a range of years. See openair::importMeta() for more information.


One or more site types with which to subset the site metadata.

default: NULL

If site_type is specified, only sites of that type will be searched for. For example, site_type = "urban background" will only search urban background sites.


One or more variables of interest with which to subset the site metadata.

default: NULL

If variable is specified, only sites measuring at least one of these pollutants will be searched for. For example, variable = c("pm10", "co") will search sites that measure PM10 and/or CO.


A maximum distance from the location of interest in kilometres.

default: NULL

If max_dist is specified, only sites within max_dist kilometres from the lat / lng coordinate will be searched for.


The maximum number of sites to return.

default: NULL

If n is specified, only n sites will be returned. Note that this filtering step is applied last, after site_type, variable, and max_dist.


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


Return a map?

default: TRUE

If TRUE, the default, searchNetwork() will return a leaflet map. If FALSE, it will instead return a tibble.


Data subsetting progresses in the order in which the arguments are given; first source and year, then site_type and variable, then max_dist, and finally n.


Either a tibble or leaflet map.

See Also

Other uk air quality network mapping functions: networkMap()


## Not run: 
# get all AURN sites open in 2020 within 20 km of Buckingham Palace
palace <- convertPostcode("SW1A1AA")
searchNetwork(lat = palace$lat, lng = palace$lng, max_dist = 20, year = 2020)

## End(Not run)

Example data for trajectory mapping functions


The traj_data dataset is provided as an example dataset as part of the openairmaps package. The dataset contains HYSPLIT back trajectory data for air mass parcels arriving in London in 2009. It has been joined with air quality pollutant concentrations from the "London N. Kensington" AURN urban background monitoring site.




A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables:


The arrival time of the air-mass


The receptor number


Trajectory year


Trajectory month


Trajectory day


Trajectory hour

Trajectory hour offset from the arrival date






Height of trajectory in m


Pressure of the trajectory in Pa


Date of the trajectory


Concentration of oxides of nitrogen (NO + NO2)


Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)


Concentration of ozone (O3)


Concentration of particulates (PM10)


Concentration of fine particulates (PM2.5)


traj_data is supplied with the openairmaps package as an example dataset for use with documented examples.


traj_data was compiled from data using the openair::importTraj() function from the openair package with air quality data from openair::importAURN() function.


# basic structure

Trajectory level plots in leaflet


This function plots back trajectories on a leaflet map. This function requires that data are imported using the openair::importTraj() function.


  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  type = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  statistic = "frequency",
  percentile = 90, = 1, = 1,
  min.bin = 1,
  .combine = NA,
  sigma = 1.5,
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 0.5,
  tile.border = NA,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  legend.position = "topright",
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright"



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Pollutant to be plotted. By default the trajectory height is used.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which can be selected between using a "layer control" menu. Passed to openair::cutData().


Should the trajectory surface be smoothed? Defaults to FALSE. Note that, when smooth = TRUE, no popup information will be available.


Statistic to use for trajLevel(). By default, the function will plot the trajectory frequencies (statistic = "frequency"). As an alternative way of viewing trajectory frequencies, the argument method = "hexbin" can be used. In this case hexagonal binning of the trajectory points (i.e., a point every three hours along each back trajectory). The plot then shows the trajectory frequencies uses hexagonal binning.

There are also various ways of plotting concentrations.

It is possible to set statistic = "difference". In this case trajectories where the associated concentration is greater than percentile are compared with the the full set of trajectories to understand the differences in frequencies of the origin of air masses. The comparison is made by comparing the percentage change in gridded frequencies. For example, such a plot could show that the top 10\ tend to originate from air-mass origins to the east.

If statistic = "pscf" then a Potential Source Contribution Function map is produced. This statistic method interacts with percentile.

If statistic = "cwt" then concentration weighted trajectories are plotted.

If statistic = "sqtba" then Simplified Quantitative Transport Bias Analysis is undertaken. This statistic method interacts with .combine and sigma.


The percentile concentration of pollutant against which the all trajectories are compared.,

The longitude and latitude intervals to be used for binning data.


The minimum number of unique points in a grid cell. Counts below min.bin are set as missing.


When statistic is "SQTBA" it is possible to combine lots of receptor locations to derive a single map. .combine identifies the column that differentiates different sites (commonly a column named "site"). Note that individual site maps are normalised first by dividing by their mean value.


For the SQTBA approach sigma determines the amount of back trajectory spread based on the Gaussian plume equation. Values in the literature suggest 5.4 km after one hour. However, testing suggests lower values reveal source regions more effectively while not introducing too much noise.


The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Opacity of the tiles. Must be between 0 and 1.


Colour to use for the border of binned tiles. Defaults to NA, which draws no border.


The basemap to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap"

A single leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used.


Position of the shared legend.

default: "topright"

Where should the legend be placed? One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend(). NULL defaults to "topright".


Title of the legend.

default: NULL

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title based on colour. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. Users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML().


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE

Should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright"

Where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


A leaflet object.

See Also


trajLevelMapStatic() for the static ggplot2 equivalent of trajLevelMap()

Other interactive trajectory maps: trajMap()


## Not run: 
trajLevelMap(traj_data, pollutant = "pm2.5", statistic = "pscf", min.bin = 10)

## End(Not run)

Trajectory level plots in ggplot2



This function plots back trajectories on a ggplot2 map. This function requires that data are imported using the openair::importTraj() function. It is a ggplot2 implementation of openair::trajLevel() with many of the same arguments, which should be more flexible for post-hoc changes.


  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  type = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  statistic = "frequency",
  percentile = 90, = 1, = 1,
  min.bin = 1,
  .combine = NA,
  sigma = 1.5,
  alpha = 0.5,
  tile.border = NA,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  crs = sf::st_crs(4326),
  map = TRUE,
  map.fill = "grey85",
  map.colour = "grey75",
  map.alpha = 0.8,
  map.lwd = 0.5,
  map.lty = 1,
  facet = NULL,



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Pollutant to be plotted. By default the trajectory height is used.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which can be selected between using a "layer control" menu. Passed to openair::cutData().


Should the trajectory surface be smoothed? Defaults to FALSE. Note that smoothing may cause the plot to render slower, so consider setting crs to sf::st_crs(4326) or NULL.


Statistic to use for trajLevel(). By default, the function will plot the trajectory frequencies (statistic = "frequency"). As an alternative way of viewing trajectory frequencies, the argument method = "hexbin" can be used. In this case hexagonal binning of the trajectory points (i.e., a point every three hours along each back trajectory). The plot then shows the trajectory frequencies uses hexagonal binning.

There are also various ways of plotting concentrations.

It is possible to set statistic = "difference". In this case trajectories where the associated concentration is greater than percentile are compared with the the full set of trajectories to understand the differences in frequencies of the origin of air masses. The comparison is made by comparing the percentage change in gridded frequencies. For example, such a plot could show that the top 10\ tend to originate from air-mass origins to the east.

If statistic = "pscf" then a Potential Source Contribution Function map is produced. This statistic method interacts with percentile.

If statistic = "cwt" then concentration weighted trajectories are plotted.

If statistic = "sqtba" then Simplified Quantitative Transport Bias Analysis is undertaken. This statistic method interacts with .combine and sigma.


The percentile concentration of pollutant against which the all trajectories are compared.,

The longitude and latitude intervals to be used for binning data.


The minimum number of unique points in a grid cell. Counts below min.bin are set as missing.


When statistic is "SQTBA" it is possible to combine lots of receptor locations to derive a single map. .combine identifies the column that differentiates different sites (commonly a column named "site"). Note that individual site maps are normalised first by dividing by their mean value.


For the SQTBA approach sigma determines the amount of back trajectory spread based on the Gaussian plume equation. Values in the literature suggest 5.4 km after one hour. However, testing suggests lower values reveal source regions more effectively while not introducing too much noise.


Opacity of the tiles. Must be between 0 and 1.


Colour to use for the border of binned tiles. Defaults to NA, which draws no border.

xlim, ylim

The x- and y-limits of the plot.

default: NULL

A numeric vector of length two defining the x-/y-limits of the map, passed to ggplot2::coord_sf(). If NULL, limits will be estimated based on the lat/lon ranges of the input data.


The coordinate reference system (CRS) into which all data should be projected before plotting. Defaults to latitude/longitude (sf::st_crs(4326)).


Draw a base map?

default: TRUE

Draws the geometries of countries under the trajectory paths.


Colour to use to fill the polygons of the base map.

default: "grey85"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Colour to use for the polygon borders of the base map.

default: "grey75"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Transparency of the base map polygons.

default: 0.8

Must be between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Line width of the base map polygon borders.

default: 0.5

Any numeric value.


Line type of the base map polygon borders.

default: 1

See ggplot2::scale_linetype() for common examples. The default, 1, draws solid lines.


Deprecated. Please use type.


Arguments passed on to ggplot2::coord_sf


If TRUE, the default, adds a small expansion factor to the limits to ensure that data and axes don't overlap. If FALSE, limits are taken exactly from the data or xlim/ylim.


CRS that provides datum to use when generating graticules.


Character vector indicating which graticule lines should be labeled where. Meridians run north-south, and the letters "N" and "S" indicate that they should be labeled on their north or south end points, respectively. Parallels run east-west, and the letters "E" and "W" indicate that they should be labeled on their east or west end points, respectively. Thus, label_graticule = "SW" would label meridians at their south end and parallels at their west end, whereas label_graticule = "EW" would label parallels at both ends and meridians not at all. Because meridians and parallels can in general intersect with any side of the plot panel, for any choice of label_graticule labels are not guaranteed to reside on only one particular side of the plot panel. Also, label_graticule can cause labeling artifacts, in particular if a graticule line coincides with the edge of the plot panel. In such circumstances, label_axes will generally yield better results and should be used instead.

This parameter can be used alone or in combination with label_axes.


Character vector or named list of character values specifying which graticule lines (meridians or parallels) should be labeled on which side of the plot. Meridians are indicated by "E" (for East) and parallels by "N" (for North). Default is "--EN", which specifies (clockwise from the top) no labels on the top, none on the right, meridians on the bottom, and parallels on the left. Alternatively, this setting could have been specified with list(bottom = "E", left = "N").

This parameter can be used alone or in combination with label_graticule.


Method specifying how scale limits are converted into limits on the plot region. Has no effect when default_crs = NULL. For a very non-linear CRS (e.g., a perspective centered around the North pole), the available methods yield widely differing results, and you may want to try various options. Methods currently implemented include "cross" (the default), "box", "orthogonal", and "geometry_bbox". For method "cross", limits along one direction (e.g., longitude) are applied at the midpoint of the other direction (e.g., latitude). This method avoids excessively large limits for rotated coordinate systems but means that sometimes limits need to be expanded a little further if extreme data points are to be included in the final plot region. By contrast, for method "box", a box is generated out of the limits along both directions, and then limits in projected coordinates are chosen such that the entire box is visible. This method can yield plot regions that are too large. Finally, method "orthogonal" applies limits separately along each axis, and method "geometry_bbox" ignores all limit information except the bounding boxes of any objects in the geometry aesthetic.


Number of segments to use for discretising graticule lines; try increasing this number when graticules look incorrect.


Is this the default coordinate system? If FALSE (the default), then replacing this coordinate system with another one creates a message alerting the user that the coordinate system is being replaced. If TRUE, that warning is suppressed.


Should drawing be clipped to the extent of the plot panel? A setting of "on" (the default) means yes, and a setting of "off" means no. In most cases, the default of "on" should not be changed, as setting clip = "off" can cause unexpected results. It allows drawing of data points anywhere on the plot, including in the plot margins. If limits are set via xlim and ylim and some data points fall outside those limits, then those data points may show up in places such as the axes, the legend, the plot title, or the plot margins.


A ggplot2 plot

See Also


trajLevelMap() for the interactive leaflet equivalent of trajLevelMapStatic()

Other static trajectory maps: trajMapStatic()

Trajectory line plots in leaflet


This function plots back trajectories on a leaflet map. This function requires that data are imported using the openair::importTraj() function. Options are provided to colour the individual trajectories (e.g., by pollutant concentrations) or create "layer control" menus to show/hide different layers.


  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  colour = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  cols = "default",
  alpha = 0.5,
  npoints = 12,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  legend.position = "topright",
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control = NULL,



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Column to be used for colouring each trajectory.

default: NULL

This column may be numeric, character, factor or date(time). This will commonly be a pollutant concentration which has been joined (e.g., by dplyr::left_join()) to the trajectory data by "date".


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which can be selected between using a "layer control" menu. Passed to openair::cutData().


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "default"

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours().


Transparency value for trajectories.

default: 1

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Interval at which points are placed along the trajectory paths.

default: 12

A dot is placed every npoints along each full trajectory. For hourly back trajectories points are plotted every npoints hours. This helps to understand where the air masses were at particular times and get a feel for the speed of the air (points closer together correspond to slower moving air masses). Defaults to 12.


The basemap to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap"

A single leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used.


Position of the shared legend.

default: "topright"

Where should the legend be placed? One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend(). NULL defaults to "topright".


Title of the legend.

default: NULL

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title based on colour. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. Users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML().


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE

Should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright"

Where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Deprecated. Please use type.


Arguments passed on to openair::cutData


Can be "northern" or "southern", used to split data into seasons.


Number of quantiles to split numeric data into.

What day of the week should the type = "weekday" start on? The user can change the start day by supplying an integer between 0 and 6. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ... For example to start the weekday plots on a Saturday, choose = 6.


A logical (TRUE/FALSE), used to request shortened cut labels for axes.

Used for identifying whether a date has daylight savings time (DST) applied or not. Examples include = "Europe/London", = "America/New_York" i.e. time zones that assume DST. shows time zones that should be valid for most systems. It is important that the original data are in GMT (UTC) or a fixed offset from GMT. See import and the openair manual for information on how to import data and ensure no DST is applied.


A leaflet object.

See Also


trajMapStatic() for the static ggplot2 equivalent of trajMap()

Other interactive trajectory maps: trajLevelMap()


## Not run: 
trajMap(traj_data, colour = "pm10")

## End(Not run)

Trajectory line plots in ggplot2



This function plots back trajectories using ggplot2. The function requires that data are imported using openair::importTraj(). It is a ggplot2 implementation of openair::trajPlot() with many of the same arguments, which should be more flexible for post-hoc changes.


  colour = "height",
  type = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  size = NULL,
  linewidth = size,
  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  npoints = 12,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  crs = sf::st_crs(3812),
  origin = TRUE,
  map = TRUE,
  map.fill = "grey85",
  map.colour = "grey75",
  map.alpha = 0.8,
  map.lwd = 0.5,
  map.lty = 1,
  facet = NULL,



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().


Data column to map to the colour of the trajectories.

default: NULL

This column may be numeric, character, factor or date(time). This will commonly be a pollutant concentration which has been joined (e.g., by dplyr::left_join()) to the trajectory data by "date". The scale can be edited after the fact using ggplot2::scale_color_continuous() or similar.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which will appear as different panels. Passed to openair::cutData().


Column to use to distinguish different trajectory paths.

default: NULL

By default, trajectory paths are distinguished using the arrival date. group allows for additional columns to be used (e.g., "receptor" if multiple receptors are being plotted).

size, linewidth

Data column to map to the size/width of the trajectory marker/paths, or absolute size value.

default: NULL

Similar to the colour argument, this defines a column to map to the size of the circular markers or the width of the paths. These scales can be edited after the fact using ggplot2::scale_size_continuous(), ggplot2::scale_linewidth_continuous(), or similar. If numeric, the value will be directly provided to ggplot2::geom_point(size = ) or ggplot2::geom_path(linewidth = ).

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Interval at which points are placed along the trajectory paths.

default: 12

A dot is placed every npoints along each full trajectory. For hourly back trajectories points are plotted every npoints hours. This helps to understand where the air masses were at particular times and get a feel for the speed of the air (points closer together correspond to slower moving air masses). Defaults to 12.

xlim, ylim

The x- and y-limits of the plot.

default: NULL

A numeric vector of length two defining the x-/y-limits of the map, passed to ggplot2::coord_sf(). If NULL, limits will be estimated based on the lat/lon ranges of the input data.


The coordinate reference system (CRS) into which all data should be projected before plotting.

default: sf::st_crs(3812)

This argument defaults to the Lambert projection, but can take any coordinate reference system to pass to the crs argument of ggplot2::coord_sf(). Alternatively, crs can be set to NULL, which will typically render the map quicker but may cause countries far from the equator or large areas to appear distorted.


Draw the receptor point as a circle?

default: TRUE

When TRUE, the receptor point(s) are marked with black circles.


Draw a base map?

default: TRUE

Draws the geometries of countries under the trajectory paths.


Colour to use to fill the polygons of the base map.

default: "grey85"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Colour to use for the polygon borders of the base map.

default: "grey75"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Transparency of the base map polygons.

default: 0.8

Must be between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Line width of the base map polygon borders.

default: 0.5

Any numeric value.


Line type of the base map polygon borders.

default: 1

See ggplot2::scale_linetype() for common examples. The default, 1, draws solid lines.


Deprecated. Please use type.


Arguments passed on to openair::cutData


Can be "northern" or "southern", used to split data into seasons.


Number of quantiles to split numeric data into.

What day of the week should the type = "weekday" start on? The user can change the start day by supplying an integer between 0 and 6. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ... For example to start the weekday plots on a Saturday, choose = 6.


A logical (TRUE/FALSE), used to request shortened cut labels for axes.

Used for identifying whether a date has daylight savings time (DST) applied or not. Examples include = "Europe/London", = "America/New_York" i.e. time zones that assume DST. shows time zones that should be valid for most systems. It is important that the original data are in GMT (UTC) or a fixed offset from GMT. See import and the openair manual for information on how to import data and ensure no DST is applied.


a ggplot2 plot

See Also


trajMap() for the interactive leaflet equivalent of trajMapStatic()

Other static trajectory maps: trajLevelMapStatic()


## Not run: 
# colour by height
trajMapStatic(traj_data) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colors = openair::openColours())

# colour by PM10, log transform scale
trajMapStatic(traj_data, colour = "pm10") +
  ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(trans = "log10") +
  ggplot2::labs(color = openair::quickText("PM10"))

# color by PM2.5, lat/lon projection
trajMapStatic(traj_data, colour = "pm2.5", crs = sf::st_crs(4326)) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(option = "turbo") +
  ggplot2::labs(color = openair::quickText("PM2.5"))

## End(Not run)

Wind roses on dynamic and static maps


The windroseMap() function creates a map using wind roses as markers. Multiple layers of markers can be created using the type argument. By default, these maps are dynamic and can be panned, zoomed, and otherwise interacted with. Using the static argument allows for static images to be produced instead.


  data, = 2,
  breaks = 4,
  latitude = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  type = NULL,
  popup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 1,
  key = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.position = NULL,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control.autotext = TRUE,
  d.icon = 200,
  d.fig = 3.5,
  static = FALSE,
  static.nrow = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  n.core = 1L,
  control = NULL



Input data table with wind and geo-spatial information.

required | scope: dynamic & static

A data frame. The data frame must contain the data to plot the directional analysis marker, which includes wind speed (ws) and wind direction (wd). In addition, data must include a decimal latitude and longitude (or X/Y coordinate used in conjunction with crs).

The wind speed interval of the colour axis.

default: 2 | scope: dynamic & static

The wind speed interval. Default is 2 m/s but for low met masts with low mean wind speeds a value of 1 or 0.5 m/s may be better.


Specifier for the number of breaks of the colour axis.

default: 4 | scope: dynamic & static

Most commonly, the number of break points for wind speed in openair::windRose(). For the default of 2, the default breaks, 4, generates the break points 2, 4, 6, and 8. Breaks can also be used to set specific break points. For example, the argument 'breaks = c(0, 1, 10, 100)“ breaks the data into segments <1, 1-10, 10-100, >100.

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs). If not provided, will be automatically inferred from data by looking for a column named "lat"/"latitude" or "lon"/"lng"/"long"/"longitude" (case-insensitively).


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

Used for splitting the input data into different groups, passed to the type argument of openair::cutData(). When type is specified:

  • Dynamic: The different data splits can be toggled between using a "layer control" menu.

  • Static:: The data splits will each appear in a different panel.

type cannot be used if multiple pollutant columns have been provided.


Content for marker popups on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Columns to be used as the HTML content for marker popups on dynamic maps. Popups may be useful to show information about the individual sites (e.g., site names, codes, types, etc.). If a vector of column names are provided they are passed to buildPopup() using its default values.


Content for marker hover-over on dynamic maps.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic

Column to be used as the HTML content for hover-over labels. Labels are useful for the same reasons as popups, though are typically shorter.


The basemap(s) to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap" | scope: dynamic & static

The base map(s) to be used beneath the polar markers. If not provided, will default to "OpenStreetMap"/"osm" for both dynamic and static maps.

  • Dynamic: Any number of leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used. If multiple base maps are provided, they can be toggled between using a "layer control" interface. By default, the interface will use the provider names as labels, but users can define their own using a named vector (e.g., c("Default" = "OpenStreetMap", "Satellite" = "Esri.WorldImagery"))

  • Static: One of rosm::osm.types().

There is some overlap in static and dynamic providers. For example, {ggspatial} uses "osm" to specify "OpenStreetMap". When static providers are provided to dynamic maps or vice versa, {openairmaps} will attempt to substitute the correct provider string.


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "turbo" | scope: dynamic & static

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours.


Transparency value for polar markers.

default: 1 | scope: dynamic & static

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Draw individual marker legends?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic & static

Draw a key for each individual marker? Potentially useful when limits = "free", but of limited use otherwise.


Draw a shared legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When all markers share the same colour scale (e.g., when limits != "free" in polarMap()), should a shared legend be created at the side of the map?


Position of the shared legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

When legend = TRUE, where should the legend be placed?

  • Dynamic: One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend().

  • Static:: One of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left". Passed to the legend.position argument of ggplot2::theme().


Title of the legend.

default: NULL | scope: dynamic & static

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. For dynamic maps, users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML() (dynamic) or openair::quickText() (static).


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE | scope: dynamic

For dynamic maps, should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright" | scope: dynamic

When type != NULL, or multiple pollutants are specified, where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Automatically format the content of the layer control menu?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic

When control.autotext = TRUE, the content of the "layer control" interface will be first run through quickTextHTML().


The diameter of the plot on the map in pixels.

default: 200 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the size of the individual polar markers. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


The diameter of the plots to be produced using {openair} in inches.

default: 3.5 | scope: dynamic & static

This will affect the resolution of the markers on the map. Alternatively, a vector in the form c(width, height) can be provided if a non-circular marker is desired.


Produce a static map?

default: FALSE

This controls whether a dynamic or static map is produced. The former is the default and is broadly more useful, but the latter may be preferable for DOCX or PDF outputs (e.g., academic papers).


Number of rows in a static map.

default: NULL | scope: static

Controls the number of rows of panels on a static map when multiple pollutants or type are specified; passed to the nrow argument of ggplot2::facet_wrap(). The default, NULL, results in a roughly square grid of panels.


Show a progress bar?

default: TRUE | scope: dynamic & static

By default, a progress bar is shown to visualise the function's progress creating individual polar markers. This option allows this to be turned off, if desired.


Number of cores to use in parallel processing.

default: 1L | scope: dynamic & static

By default, each polar marker is drawn and saved sequentially. For big maps with a lot of markers, this can be slow. Adjusting n.core to a number greater than 1 will use mirai to create markers in parallel.


Arguments passed on to openair::windRose


Name of the column representing wind speed.


Name of the column representing wind direction.


The user can supply a second set of wind speed and wind direction values with which the first can be compared. See pollutionRose() for more details.


Default angle of “spokes” is 30. Other potentially useful angles are 45 and 10. Note that the width of the wind speed interval may need adjusting using width.


By default, conditions are considered to be calm when the wind speed is zero. The user can set a different threshold for calms be setting calm.thresh to a higher value. For example, calm.thresh = 0.5 will identify wind speeds below 0.5 as calm.


When angle does not divide exactly into 360 a bias is introduced in the frequencies when the wind direction is already supplied rounded to the nearest 10 degrees, as is often the case. For example, if angle = 22.5, N, E, S, W will include 3 wind sectors and all other angles will be two. A bias correction can made to correct for this problem. A simple method according to Applequist (2012) is used to adjust the frequencies.


Grid line interval to use. If NULL, as in default, this is assigned based on the available data range. However, it can also be forced to a specific value, e.g. grid.line = 10. grid.line can also be a list to control the interval, line type and colour. For example grid.line = list(value = 10, lty = 5, col = "purple").


For paddle = TRUE, the adjustment factor for width of wind speed intervals. For example, width = 1.5 will make the paddle width 1.5 times wider.


When paddle = TRUE, seg determines with width of the segments. For example, seg = 0.5 will produce segments 0.5 * angle.


Either TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units properly, e.g., by subscripting the ‘2’ in NO2.


The size of the 'hole' in the middle of the plot, expressed as a percentage of the polar axis scale, default 10.


If TRUE each wind direction segment is normalised to equal one. This is useful for showing how the concentrations (or other parameters) contribute to each wind sector when the proportion of time the wind is from that direction is low. A line showing the probability that the wind directions is from a particular wind sector is also shown.


Controls the scaling used by setting the maximum value for the radial limits. This is useful to ensure several plots use the same radial limits.


Either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE plots rose using 'paddle' style spokes. If FALSE plots rose using 'wedge' style spokes.


Adds additional text/labels above the scale key. For example, passing windRose(mydata, key.header = "ws") adds the addition text as a scale header. Note: This argument is passed to drawOpenKey() via quickText(), applying the auto.text argument, to handle formatting.


Adds additional text/labels below the scale key. See key.header for further information.


Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed arguments currently include “top”, “right”, “bottom” and “left”.


The number of significant figures at which scientific number formatting is used in break point and key labelling. Default 5.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), the first interval will be left exclusive and right inclusive. If TRUE, the first interval will be left and right inclusive. Passed to the include.lowest argument of cut().


The statistic to be applied to each data bin in the plot. Options currently include “prop.count”, “prop.mean” and “abs.count”. The default “prop.count” sizes bins according to the proportion of the frequency of measurements. Similarly, “prop.mean” sizes bins according to their relative contribution to the mean. “abs.count” provides the absolute count of measurements in each bin.


Alternative data series to be sampled instead of wind speed. The windRose() default NULL is equivalent to pollutant = "ws". Use in pollutionRose().


The scale is by default shown at a 315 degree angle. Sometimes the placement of the scale may interfere with an interesting feature. The user can therefore set angle.scale to another value (between 0 and 360 degrees) to mitigate such problems. For example angle.scale = 45 will draw the scale heading in a NE direction.


Border colour for shaded areas. Default is no border.


Deprecated. Please use type.



  • Dynamic: A leaflet object

  • Static: A ggplot2 object using ggplot2::coord_sf() coordinates with a ggspatial basemap

Customisation of static maps using ggplot2

As the outputs of the static directional analysis functions are ggplot2 figures, further customisation is possible using functions such as ggplot2::theme(), ggplot2::guides() and ggplot2::labs().

If multiple pollutants are specified, subscripting (e.g., the "x" in "NOx") is achieved using the ggtext package. Therefore if you choose to override the plot theme, it is recommended to use ⁠[ggplot2::theme()]⁠ and ⁠[ggtext::element_markdown()]⁠ to define the strip.text parameter.

When arguments like limits, percentile or breaks are defined, a legend is automatically added to the figure. Legends can be removed using ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none"), or further customised using ggplot2::guides() and either color = ggplot2::guide_colourbar() for continuous legends or fill = ggplot2::guide_legend() for discrete legends.

See Also


Other directional analysis maps: annulusMap(), diffMap(), freqMap(), percentileMap(), polarMap(), pollroseMap()


## Not run: 
  provider = "CartoDB.Voyager"

## End(Not run)